Test Desired
WW Complete Wastewater Analysis
Includes: All of the option below ………………………………………….. $145.50
(Please Submit 1 Quart per sample)
P. pH – S.U …………………………………………………………………. $35.00
TSS. Total Suspended Solids – mg/1 …………………………….. $45.00
O. Ammonia Nitrogen (MH3) – mg/1 ……………………….. $55.00
RTF. Residual, Total Filterable – mg/1 …………………………… $69.50
COBD. (cBiochemical Oxygen Demand) 5 day – mg/1 …….. $61.50
TKN. Nitrogen Kjeldahl – mg/1 ………………………………………… $61.50
NO2/NO3 Nitrogen Plus Nitrogen – mg/1 ………………………….. $61.50
(Typical turn around is 5 to 7 working days)